Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Costco browsing
... for new selections with the crowds doing their New Year's Eve "eve" shopping 2014...

     I did it,
     I made it through the store and didn't buy anything.  The Costco on Indy's north side is the closest option for me.  I joined my daughter who had a shopping list, meeting up after work.  I was also get a couple new Thirty-One surprises from her that had just come in the mail.  (So excited about getting the new wallet that's on sale this month when I place my own order.)


     We took the time to browse the aisles and see what was leftover from December sales. We also peered at what was stored on high shelves to be brought down for January and February deals.  Her goal was to only spend $100... and considering sales tax 7% in Indiana... YIPPEE for her!  She did great!

     There she is showing her good deal at the register. Then, being photo-bombed by her Thirty-One new Jewell purse, "Paris" in City Charcoal Snake and the wallet that I WANT, "All About The Benjamins" in Gatsby's Green Pebble.

      HOW did she do it?
She had a list, awareness what was on sale at Costco for the next few weeks, and had thought a bit about what the two of them at her home would eat up before expiration date would be a concern.  I reminded her that she does have a vacuum sealer to help out with supersize snack bags for movie night freshness.

     There's Thirty-One in use again, a Fresh Market Thermal for cold and frozen goods... a Medium Utility Tote for pantry items.

     The Greek yogurt cups were removed from the box to fit in the Market tote a lot better with all of the other goods.  We were debating where to ditch the empty box, I um mean... put in a proper place.  I then realized hey, it would be a great way to keep the double loaf of bread from getting crushed in transport.  Boom... it fit just right!  One of my biggest pet-peeves is smashed up sandwich bread, lol.

     While she packed up, I was mesmerized watching fresh pizzas being made for special to-go orders.  See the action below... No, there were no signs saying please don't film or don't annoy the employees.  It was mesmerizing how fast the dough from the tubs on the back counter were smashed flat, hole punched, sauced, and topped for the oven.  The prices, and value can't be beat.  The people-watching could be fun, but when it's crowded, it can be overwhelming.  So, don't count on being able to eat a quick meal at picnic table before you load up groceries in your car.

     If you aren't familiar with Costco's Food Court... it is awesome.  The area is clean and kept clean.  Great prices overall, as the hot dog and soda price can't be beat for a daily deal.  The ginormous churros are always a must on my list to take home as a treat for The Boys.  You can call and order the pizza while shopping or packing up to leave work to have it hot and ready as you leave the store.

     I will make some posts on what deals, oddities, and "great idea" moments we had while on our adventure in upcoming posts.  

Life, live it in the present, not the past or future.