Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Our boer doe goat out for a snack on grass and clover...

Video on our YouTube channel...

Toby's first doe for his first year in showing 4-H livestock in 2013.

Rosey when we brought her home...

How a 4-H kid spends his mornings... in his PJs walking his goat for her morning exercise.  No need in getting too many loads of clothes dirty, lol. 

They had fun at the 4-H "Dress Your Goat" contest.  Nothing beats trying to get a goat to wear swim trunks, lol.

Now he's in his third year of preparing for 4-H show 2015, and his little brother Theron is preparing for his first year.  Three adult goats, 5 goat kids, and two more goat kids to pick up in a week.  Whew.

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