Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Have A Good Sleep

Ponderance tonight for those who like them. If you don't like them then skip it, lol.

Theron, Tater as we call him, favors my Dad, who he calls Papaw Owl. But, his heart and some mannerisms are that of my Granny Bates, "Tudy", my maternal grandmother. His heart is too tender, and his memory is too sharp for odds and ends facts most folks dismiss about a person they meet. His recall for birthdays, ages, where a person said they were born, a shoe size, a memory a person shared are very detailed in his memory. But he is again like his Papaw Owl and likely won't recall the person's name and will forget the three items on a list he needed to get at the grocery. What a mix he is of my maternal and paternal family.  
I have noted often he has Tudy's crooked-head pose, lol. There is thinking going on when the head tilts. Serious thinking that makes me ask him: "What are you thinking Mr. Einstein?" He giggles and sometimes he will share, but not often. He has been learning that his thinking outside the box isn't how most kids his age think so he has learned to mentally ponder and not share it out loud. I am glad that he has a heart for drawing and writing, and expresses his ideas in a creative outlet that has made for some very interesting drawing and comic strips strewn across my refrigerator.

When he goes to bed he says: "Have a good sleep." Very matter of fact. No lament of I hope or I wish about it. He bids a person to have a good sleep. He has grown up with me saying as I grew up with it, too: "Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite." I asked him why he says to have a good sleep, who told him to say it, or where he heard it. He said he made it up he guesses, and he likes it better. Thinking about it, I do agree, it's better to bid having a good sleep. It is when our body does it's most intense work at restoring us to prepare for the next day ahead. Simply to sleep, with no tossing, not worried about bed bugs, no mulling things over during the night... just simply sleep.

So... have a good sleep, Tater. Have a good sleep.

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