Friday, January 31, 2014

Zettie Walker "Tudy" (Johnson) Bates - My Granny

Zettie Walker "Tudy" (Johnson) Bates - My Granny

      I do not have a picture of my grandmother before this, taken in 1930.  From 1904 when she was born until this photograph sitting in 1930, there is no pictorial reference to her life. She was 26 years old in the photo with her four sons and husband.  Left to right: Greeley, Tudy holding Herman, Grady, Andy, and Cack.

     The next picture jumps ahead to the mid-1940s  in a picture of her holding my mother, Molene.  I noted when I was young that my Granny tended to tilt her head a little when she was thinking.  We'd always have to tell Tudy to straighten up her head knowing she would do a head tilt for a picture -she didn't walk around like that -just did it for a picture or when she was thinking something over. She'd then laugh, get tickled and we'd have to pause. Oh, funny memories that makes.  Thanks, Granny.

     When my parents moved to Indiana in the 1960s, they had a telephone installed at my grandparents home.  Mom and Granny were able to keep in touch even though they were separated by many miles.  

     Every Christmas that I recall as a child, we went "home" -to my Granny and Grandpa Bates house.  This as taken Christmas 1964 at Granny's home in the holler of Mill Branch.  Christmas dinner was set on the table, and served after she fed her new granddaughter.  I don't have to close my eyes and I can easily recall a look my Granny would get when she would get to hold a new baby.  She understood how special life was and precious that she was holding a blessing.  I believe it was moments like that she was closest to God, being wholly aware of His miracle. 

     This picture is four generations of Johnson women.  Granny Bates, my Mom, me, and my daughter. No matter how stressed life would be or seem to be rushing past.  A few hours sitting with Granny on the sofa or on the porch and if only for a couple hours... the world would stand still and be calm and you just knew everything would be okay.  Things might be hard, real hard, but in the end it would be okay.

     My granny.  She's right.  Life is hard at times, real hard, but in the end it will be okay.

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