Sunday, January 15, 2012

Notes from Knott Co KY Census Record 1910

Facebook posting 06 February 2011

Knott Co KY Census Record 1910
In August 1992, I reviewed records of this census with my maternal Granny Zettie Walker “Tudy” (Johnson) Bates.  First I will note the two entries, then I’ll make some “clarification” notes to assure that some family history buffs who are distant family know who’s really who on here.

124. Johnson, Caleb        age 37   married 9 years                 farmer
               Anazaline            age ?     4 children
               William M.         age 8
               Bettie                  age 5
               Estil                    age 2
               Letta                  age 5/12
142. Hall, Samuel          age 50   married 32 years               farmer
               Sinda                 age 57
               Martin               age 21
               Nevada             age 16
               Talt                   age 15
               Allice               age 13
               Maddie           age 9
               Mary E.          age 7
               Calvin             age 3
For 124 entry, the second entry Anazaline is Angeline “Pemmie” (Hall) Johnson. Her parents are entry 142. The census taker misspelled her name.

For 124 entry, Bettie is my maternal grandmother -Zettie, and Letta is her sister -Lettie.  The census taker misspelled their names.
For 142 entry, Sinda is Malinda “Lynn”.  The census taker misspelled her name. 
     There was no malice or ignorance of the census taker. The person would make a record based on whoever gave the information, and enunciation, and also the person hired to do the job writing education. 

     I always thought that Lynn sure was a fertile woman as she was in her 50s still having babies to raise. She also was a midwife who delivered many babies in those hollers.
     I note now that Zettie was 5 years old, same age as my youngest son. When she was that age, she already was doing so many chores that you’d never dream of having even a teenager do; but it was common work for all young kids back then –especially the oldest kids living at home. She could cook, do laundry (when there were no machines to do it), garden (not play, but work the crops), and by that age every child was a babysitter to the toddlers when a new baby was to be looked after.

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