Sunday, January 26, 2014

County Highway crews are local heroes

County Highway crews are local heroes
26 January 2014

Snowy afternoon view on 26 JAN 2014. Snowplows are on their way. 

The county is on the highest level of warning and no one should be on the roads. 

The wind isn't howling as bad, but when a vehicle goes down the road the snow "dust" billows taller than the trees. 

More snow expected tonight and extremely bitter wind chills as well for two days. 

Old Man Winter is proving he is meaner than The Grinch.

 The first of two back to back snowplows from our county highway department trying to clear drifts and widen spots that barely allowed one vehicle to pass through.

It must be a very bumpy ride based on the rattling of the truck and plow and jamming into all those drifts.

The second of the two back to back snowplows from our county highway department came along just behind the "snow dust" of the first plow.

These are our local heroes when Old Man Winter huffs and puffs and tries his best to keep us trapped in our homes.

When you are out and about... shake their hand, buy them a cup a coffee, say thank you.

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