Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Work peace

Work peace

     I am fortunate to have a job that allows me to work from home at times.  When I am on site at work, my space in the cube-farm is located next to a large row of windows.  Drafty windows that make popping and creaking sounds when the wind howls or the panes are pummeled by rain.  But again, I am fortunate as they have blinds that I am able to close to stop the glare of the sun from burning my eyes as I try to focus on computer screens in bright light.

A small poster the size of a bumper sticker I have had since my days in a more traditional nurse job.  The green used to be very vivid, however it's sun faded over time.  No matter how faded, the meaning still remains firm.
     Some cubes are almost so bare it seems abandoned, some so cluttered it is a mystery how any work could be done in the space.  But in all you can get a sense of the inhabitants personality if you glance at the decor.  Mugs, photos, what-nots, pencil or pen, neat stacks or random piles.

A framed picture my sister gave to me a few years years ago.  Reminds us of our Appalachian heritage.  

     I noticed some of my things while I was packing my bag to leave work today.  Things I see every day I am in the cube.  And I realized that what I choose to keep in there does have an impact on my everyday thoughts. Subconscious purpose in the keeping it seems.

Art that  my 8 year old drew by looking at a copy of a book from his favorite series.
This inspired him to make his own comic book one day when I was trapped at home with
The Boys when snow and severely cold temperatures had us hibernating.  Boys never seem to tire of
boogers and underwear jokes.  I had to take a picture to prove to him that yes I had really
hung this in my cube to see every day.  Joy, lol. 

     I have also noticed vehicle interiors are a peep into a person's conscious.  Not the make, model etc... but the dusting of it, washing of it, vacuum, trash collection etc.  When it's shiny and cleaned up, the person has more pep in their step.  When it's a dreary mess and clutter abounds... well, it says a lot as well. I was telling myself on my commute home this evening... I sure needed to get the vacuum out and clean up little boy crumbs from the back seat and wash off all the road salt from the recent snows.

A good cube-farm dusting or car cleaning makes dreary winter feel like Spring is around the corner.

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