Saturday, January 25, 2014

Mothers in other frozen lands


Well, Old Man Winter you are making it a rough one here in modern convenience Indiana. 

However, it is good to focus on the blessings of the snug home and clothes and full cupboards of good that God has provided. 

Ancestors stronger than I am, braved wagon train paths in winter storms with no parkas or heated vehicle keeping them dry, homes of log with no windows and cooking what dry beans were left in an open fireplace pot and watching snow blow in cracks to build drifts.  

I am not as brave or strong as modern humans born in isolated bitter cold lands such as remote Siberia, tents of Tibet, rural far northern Korea, or those holding to traditional igloo lifestyle. 

God, I pray a woman in those lands, who tries to hold strong wondering how she will survive to care for her child since she has to give her food and coat to the child to keep the child alive... I pray that woman has a moment to feel your comfort and You guide her to wisdom to keep forging ahead. 

I pray that the people You impress upon to take action to give relief not to governments or tribes but directly to those mothers... That they take the burden and Your guidance and seek her. 

Thank you for blessing my family with silly concerns such as stocking up on convenience foods and gasoline and waterlines not freezing. 

Thank you for keeping the burden of stronger mothers in other lands weighed on my heart. 


*Pictures taken during the first Arctic Blast of 2014, January 6th. Now, we are in round 2 and preparing for temperatures worse than round one.  Fifty-five days until Spring... 

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